Features, Problems and Policies of Agriculture |
Here, you can read 12th class Indian economy Development chapter Features Problems and Policies of Agriculture but before read notes you must read the following points :
1. Importance of Agriculture in the Economy
(i) contribution to GDP
(ii) supply of wage goods
(iii) source of employment
(iv) supply of raw material
(v) source of demand for the industrial goods
(vi) contribution to international trade
(vii) contribution to domestic trade
(viii) support to the transport industry
(ix) wealth of the nation
2. Features of the Indian Agriculture
(i) low productivity
(ii) disguised unemployment
(iii) dependence on rainfall
(iv) subsistence farming
(v) lack of modern inputs
(vi) small holdings
(vii) Landlord-tenant conflict
(viii) Backward Technology
3. Problems of Indian Agriculture
(i) lack of permanent means of irrigation
(ii) deficiency of finance
(iii) conventional Outlook
(iv) small and scattered holdings
(v) exploitative agrarian relations
(vi) lack of organised marketing system
4. Reforms in Indian Agriculture
(A) Technical Reforms
(i) use of HYV seeds
(ii) use of chemical fertilizers
(iii) use of insecticides and pesticides for crop production
(iv) scientific farm management practices
(v)mechanised means of cultivation
(B) Land or Institutional
(i) Abolition of Intermediaries
(ii) Regulation of Rent
(iii) Consolidation of Holdings
(iv) Ceiling on Land Holdings
(v) Cooperative Farming
(C) General Reforms
(i) Expansion of Irrigation Facilities
(ii) Provision of Credit
(iii) Regulated Markets and Cooperative Marketing Societies
(iv) Price Support Policy
5. Points about Green Revolution
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