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Methods of Collection of Data

Methods of Collection of Data
Methods of Collection of Data

Ques.1) What is census method ? Write its merit and demerit ?
Ans. Census survey is that method in which covering every item of the universe or population on relating to the problem under investigator or relating to the problem under investigator
Ex. Census of population in India is the example of census survey
i. Extensive information= In this method all the informants are taken extensively therefore more meaningful results acquired
ii. Reliable and accurate = Results based on census method are accurate and highly  reliable because in this method each and every item of the population is studied.
iii. Less biased= This method is less biased as compare to other method of data collection .
i. Costly = This method is very costly only the government or some big institution can effort to use this method.
ii. Large manpower= This method requires lot of manpower training of a large number of enumerator become essential   which is very difficult process.
iii. Not suitable for large investigation = if the universe comprises a large number of items then it may not be possible to cover each and every item this method is not suitable.
Ques.2) What is sample method ? write its merit and demerits?
Ans. Sample method is that method in for examination and conclusion are drawn on their basic.
MERIT which data is collected about the sample on a group of items taken from the population
i. Economical = This method is very economical only some units of the population are studied.
ii. Time and labour saving= This method saves time and labour of investigation.
iii. Identification of error = In this method only a limited number of items are covered errors can be easily identified.
i. Partial = It is only a partial investigation of the universe there is more chance of bias.
ii. Wrong conclusion =If the selected sample does not represent the characteristic of the universe the study may end up with wrong conclusion.
iii. Difficulty is selecting representative= It is not very easy to select sample which would represent the characteristic the entire population.

Ques.4)  What is random sampling?  Write   it’s  merit and demerit?
Ans. Random sampling = in this
Method each and every individual of the universe or population has an equal chance of being selected and the items which are not selected are just like the ones to are not selected .
Ex. Lottery method is random sampling method.
i. This method  is free form personal buys investigator.
ii. Each and every item of the universe have equal chance of being selected.
i. This method not guarantee proportionate representation of different item in the universe.
ii. It does not weightage  certain important item in the universe
Ques.4) Explain various type of random sampling?
Ans. There are two types of random sampling
1. Lottery Method:
In this method paper slips are made for each item of population this slips are mixed in the box then blindly some slips are drawn to form a sample of universe.
2. Table of random number: tipped are prepared a table consisted of 10,400 numbers of 4 digits tipped table of random numbers can be used in taking out the requires sample.

Ques.5) What are the essential or qualities of sampling?
Ans 5. A good sample must have the following qualities
1. The sample should be adequate
2. Sample should be representative of the characteristics of the universe
3. The sample should be taken freely
4. Unit should be homogenous to each other
Ques.6) Explain various method of sampling also ? Write their merits and demerits also?
i. Ans. Random sampling
ii. Deliberate or purposive sampling
iii. Stratified sampling
iv. Systematic sampling
v. Quota sampling
vi. Convenience sampling
(ii) Deliberate or purposive sampling = It is not method in which the investigator himself makes the choice of sample item which in his option are the best representative of the universe.
a) This method is an easy method of taking sample.
b) This method is most suitable in those fields of enquires where some items are important to be included in the sample
a) There is a possibility of personal bias in the selection of item.
b) This method lacks accuracy as the selection is not based on the principle of probability.
(iii) Stratified or mixed sampling= This method a mixture of random sampling and purpose is firstly divided into some groups having different characteristic on the bases of purposive sampling and then from each sub division certain items are selected according to random sampling.
a) This method covers diverse characteristic of population.
b) This method of sampling offers reliable well as meaningful results.
a) This method is suitable only when there is a complete knowledge about the diverse characteristic of the population.
b) There is a possibility of bias at the time of classification of the population into different strata.
(iv) Systematic sampling= In this method units of the population are numerically geographically and alphabetically arranged every item of the numbered items is selected as sample item .
a) This is very simple method .
b) There is very less chance of personal  bias in this method.
a) Every item in the population does not get equal chances of being selected because only the item is selected on the bases of random sampling.
b) If the population is arranged in a wrong manure the results will be misleading.
a) Every item in the population does  not  equal chances of being selected on the bases of random sampling.
b) If the population is arranged in a wrong manure the results will be misleading.
(v) Quota sampling= In this method the population is divided into different groups or classes according to different characteristic of the population some percentage of different group in total  population is fixed the investigator select the fixed number of item from each group to frame a sample.
a) This method is not very expensive in terms of time labour and money.
a) There  is high possibility of personal  bias at the time of selection of the items by the investigator.
(vi) Convenience = In this method sampling is done by the investigator in such a manicure that suits his convenience.
This method is the simplest and least expensive.
a) This method is unscientific and unreliable.

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